When I'm browsing for books in a charity shop I never have a fixed idea of what I'm seeking, only that I'll know what it is when I see it. Dangerous method. I'm left wide open to temptation and since I never leave the house without a sturdy book bag tucked into my satchel (student habits die hard) I can load myself up with as many bookish treasures as take my fancy. You have to be able to spot an interesting spine if you're after a treasure, with so many tomes jostling for space it's easy to miss something. This is where the head tilt and the sideways wander come into action and I spend the next ten minutes ear to shoulder; as though the wind changed and I'm stuck mid-stretch, it looks ridiculous but it's just so much easier to read the titles that way, I've made my peace with it. Sort of.
It was mid sideways wander that I found this very well loved copy of The Book of Ballet for the princely sum of 70p. I've never been the ballerina in my family - my little sister got that gene - but I do enjoy watching. My sort of freedom is found on the back of a horse or in the world of a book, that being said ballet has always looked so free to me; the sheer grace and range of movement. I know that in reality ballet is blood, sweat and tears - total dedication to perfection, though it still conjures such a beautiful illusion for the rest of us. I think that's why this book came home with me. It has definitely seen better days and some of the pages are making a bid for freedom but it is such a gorgeous thing to leaf through - page after page of elegance and loveliness. I wonder how many little girls hands it passed through before it came to me.

Linking to Thrift Share Monday
Ha! Many a time I've cricked my neck doing that in a second hand book shop! Those canvass type spines are always worth looking out for. Lovely find.
Such a gorgeous find...in fact very jealous that it's not mine...oh the illustrations!!
ReplyDeletethe sideways shuffle with bendy neck!! I do this!! Ahhh its nice to know I'm not alone and what a gorgeous old book! x
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful find, gorgeous illustrations xx
ReplyDeleteAH I love second hand book shopping, there is always a gem to be found. I love the look of this ballet book and it's reminding me of some very similar ones which my mum had when she was young.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful book! I love ballet, so I love reading things like that, such a good find, I never seem to get so lucky!
ReplyDeleteEleanor x
What a sweet book, I too found and rehomed a ballet book last year, it was an old library copy so I love seeing all the library stamps in it - that alone would tempt me, but all the gorgeous images pulled me over into buying it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet book. I'm doing the neck-bend browse for ballet books for my wee girl but not having much luck, though we did find a sweet old cake plate with faded ballerinas on it she adores x
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful book, I love the illustrations. I've never been into ballet- we were forced to do it a bit at school, however Ballet Shoes was always one of my favourites!xx
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm a first time reader of your lovely blog *waves* and a fellow Derbyshire gal :-) Beautiful book, I do the same walk when browsing charity shops and adore old well loved books
Oh Jem what a beautiful treasure! Those illustrations are to die for. I love the simplicity of those sketches, so graceful! I will have to have a go at recreating something like this myself, though knowing me, it'll end up as a rabbit in a tutu!! Xxx
ReplyDeletei just love old books, you will find me in the book room (i know a whole room!) at the charity shop i volunteer in, i wish we had a chair in thee...and a coffee machine.... haha
ReplyDeleteLooks like such a lovely book. That is something I love about old books, the amount of people who have touched it and have fallen in love with the words and pictures.
ReplyDeletexo Natasha
I've just found your blog, you have such beautiful pictures & style of writing that i'll be sure to call again!
ReplyDeleteI have always loved pictures of ballet even though I never went as a child. There is just something so delicate and inspiring about it.
Yes! The pain of the neck twist whilst looking at books! One that I suffer from many times...
ReplyDeleteEleanor x
So nice to hear from you! I love the ballet and the book is lovely.
ReplyDeleteI can't resist a lovely old book!
That is such a beautiful book, what a beautiful gem! I danced from the age of three to fifteen, and when I first started I had a book very similar to this, but a modern version, with photographs instead of illustrations. I gave ballet over two years ago because i wasn't enjoying it anymore but I still adore watching it, to me the costumes and the illusions that the dancers give are the best thing of all!annie x
I love ballet! :D The costumes, the movements and the positions... all the things releated with ballet are beautiful. I still can remember when I started taking lessons and doing exercises with portable ballet barres, I enjoyed it a lot!